Wallet Security

Restrictions have been imposed at the Deposit vault, Trading vault and Blur vault levels to prevent unauthorized withdrawals by the Lead Strategist. The Deposit vault is governed by a [2 of 3] MPC arrangement with the keys held by Thaw; funds deposited in the Deposit vault may only be transferred to the whitelisted addresses of Depositors, Lead Strategists, or the trading vault. The Trading vault is also governed by a 2 of 3 MPC wallet with the keys held by Thaw; funds in the trading vault may only be transferred back to the Deposit vault or into the Blur vault as whitelisted addresses before the end of Blur Season 2. Finally, transfer authority over funds deposited into the Blur pool will be controlled by Thaw, meaning that the Lead Strategist cannot withdraw funds but can exercise signing authority to actively trade and manage bid positions; deposits from the Blur pool may only go back to the trading vault as a whitelisted address.

Last updated