Accruing Blur Points

Depositors can see their total accrued Blur points and points accrued during the current Epoch via the Coolwater dApp. The investment origination / bidding wallet can be tracked publicly via Blur’s airdrop leaderboard. The Coolwater system tracks the wallets total Blur points on a daily basis and calculates each Depositor’s accrued points based on their contribution to the Epoch balance.

$BLUR Airdrop distribution

Once Blur Season 2 ends, the bidding wallet can claim $BLUR tokens via the Blur dApp. Once $BLUR tokens are redeemed by the Lead Strategist, Coolwater will calculate how much $BLUR to distribute to each Depositor based on their % share of the Blur Points accrued by the Strategy. Once all Depositors have received their $BLUR, the Lead Strategist will be transferred their $BLUR.

Example (illustrative):

Season 2 ends with 50,000 Blur Points for the bidding wallet. The 50,000 Blur Points are redeemed for 500,000 $BLUR tokens. Depositors in total have accrued 30,000 Blur Points or 60% of the Strategy total. Coolwater transfers 300,000 $BLUR tokens to Depositors before transferring the remaining to the Lead Strategist.

Last updated