Coolwater and Lead Strategists

Lead Strategists are able to use the Coolwater platform once they provide the following to Coolwater:

  • A summary of their Strategy.

  • Rules and rewards for each tranche.

  • Predefined conditions for loan bids and loan terms (e.g., LTV, APY, loan hold length).

  • Proven ownership of wallets that have deployed strategies, so that Coolwater may publish historical performance and results.

  • Short biography.

The Depositor and the Lead Strategist bear the risk associated with lending on Blend, including (but not limited to): loan offers, originated loans, defaulted loans, Blur platform risk, and value of $BLUR token. Thaw does not endorse or recommend any Lead Strategist, or any of the products, rates, or offerings of any Lead Strategist. The availability of any Lead Strategist or other service provider through the Coolwater platform does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of that Lead Strategist or other service provider.

Last updated