Overview of Thaw Digital and Coolwater

Thaw Digital is a U.S.-based technology company that develops trust-minimized capital and collateral solutions for tokenized, non-fungible assets across a variety of blockchains. Thaw is pleased to present Coolwater.xyz, a peer-to-peer credit platform that enables Depositors to coordinate trust-minimized ETH deployment on Blur.io’s Blend NFT lending protocol.

Coolwater allows Depositors to passively supply ETH to active managers who deploy funds to earn yield and/or “farm” Blur points. The platform’s technology:

  • Automates deposits and withdrawals for Depositors.

  • Tranches liquidity between senior and junior Depositors.

  • Tracks lender's rewards based on the underlying strategy.

  • Automatically distributes reward to Depositors.

Ultimately, Coolwater aims provide access to additional liquidity for established NFT lenders while also helping passive Depositors earn attractive risk-adjusted returns by contributing to NFT lending portfolios managed by strategists with proven histories of past performance.

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